It is a common practice within ODI to export ODI Packages, Interfaces, Procedures, Variables, Scenarios, and other artifacts. You always have the option to go to ODI Studio and manually right click on each artifact and click export, but it can get pretty hairy and time consuming if you have more than a handful of them. Add to that, if you are exporting ODI Scenarios to be deployed to another environment, you have to regenerate them before exporting. So now, you also have to individually regenerate every Scenario before individually exporting them. Now also add to that, you are in a software development life-cycle in which you have to constantly import and export Scenarios from one environment to another, and it can take considerable amount of your time in doing all this manually and individually for each Scenario.
Luckily for us, Oracle ODI's Toolbox provides us the ability to regenerate and export Scenarios. Utilizing those 2 features provided by the ODI Toolbox, I was able to create a separate ODI project to handle my exports. In my case, I had 30+ ODI Packages and some 10+ Procedures that I needed to be migrated to ODI Execution Repository environments. As you probably already know, on an ODI Execution Repository, you can only import Scenarios.
1) I started out by creating a separate ODI project called "Maintenance" to do the migrations.
2) To keep things organized, within this project I created a separate Package for each of my other ODI projects. For example, say I had 3 ODI projects: Project X, Y, and Z that had my 30+ Packages and 10+ Procedures that needed to be migrated. I created 3 Packages called "Export_X", "Export_Y", and "Export_Z" within the "Maintenance" project. Each of these Packages had 3 steps (these steps might vary for you depending on what you are exporting). In my case, I wanted to export all my Package Scenarios and some of my Procedure Scenarios. The 3 steps shown below were repeated for Project Y in "Export_Y" and Project Z in "Export_Z".
The first step was to regenerate the Scenarios for all my Packages within Project X, since only Scenarios can be imported to ODI Execution Repository. Using the OdiGenerateAllScen feature from the Toolbox, I regenerated all my Package Scenarios:
The second step was to regenerate Scenarios for some of my Procedures within Project X, since only Scenarios can be imported to ODI Execution Repository. Using the OdiGenerateAllScen feature from the Toolbox and using the Marker feature, I regenerated only the Procedure Scenarios that I have marked "P":
And the third step was to export the regenerated Scenarios from the two steps above for Project X. Using the OdiExportScen feature from the Toolbox, I exported the regenerated Scenarios from the first two steps:
3) After creating the three Packages and their corresponding Scenarios, I created a master Package "Export_All". Using the OdiStartScen feature from the Toolbox, I included these three Package Scenarios to this master Package:
4) When ODI Scenarios needed to be exported, I just executed the "Export_All" Package from ODI Studio.
Creating the "Maintenance" project to manage my Scenario migrations helped me in two primary ways:
1) Eliminated the human error of forgetting to regenerate and/or export a specific Scenario.
2) Saved a considerable amount of time in the development life-cycle.
Please feel free to leave me a comment if you have any questions.
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Excellent idea. Congrats. Keep it up.
excellent ,through this article i got goodknowledge
nice article.
but the question is how will the export_x package take care that
only the procedures that have been marked as P only needs to be exported
because the ODIExportAllScen tool does not say anything that only procedures that have been marked P
only will be exported ?
also how does this tool remember that only procedures marked P only needs to be exported ?
thanks and regards.
Hi mak,
If you look at my screenshot, I have set it to use Marker Group and Marker for my Procedures.
Look into "Using Markers and Memos". That should answer your question.…
hi suyash,
thanks for your reply.
You have set the Marker Group and Marker in “ODIGenerateAllScen Procedure X” step.
Assume you have 100 Procedure Scenarios out of which only 25 have Marker as P and rest 75 has Marker as Q.
Now according to your solution, the “ODIGenerateAllScen Procedure X” step will re-generate the 25 scenarios that have been marked as P and leaving the balance 75 as it is.
Now what I want to know is, how “ODIExportAllScen X” step knows that only 25 scenarios needs to be exported and not the other 75 also ?
because the ODIExportAllScen tool does not have any option to filter out scenarios based on Marker Groups and Marker parameters.
I hope I am able to make you understand what I want. Thanks for your valuable time.
Hi mak,
"OdiExportAllScen X" is only exporting the Package Scenarios and Procedure Scenarios that were generated.
So, in your example, if you have generated the Scenarios (using the above Marker) for only the 25 Procedures, those are the only ones there, so those 25 will be the only ones getting exported.
Hope that helps,
hi suyash,
understood your point. thanks for your help and time.
I have a problem (sorry for my english but i(m french !)
When I use the OdiExportAllScen tool with a package, the exécution is ok but my scénario is not exported on my linux server
I don't understand why because the directory exists and ODI has the permission ton write in it
An idea ??
Thanks a lot
nice Article, i have added a new marker and wanted to have a cutom icon for the marker, i have added my new icon
in SNP table and put icon.giff on ODI server with other marker icons but still can't see this new icon in
ODI, any idaes?
Can i use odiexportallscen on QA or PROD work repo and took backup of all the scenarios on local system.
if yes please guide.